Drama / Musical / 105 min


Cato is 19 years old, and lives in the Buenos Aires suburbs with mother Rosa and sister Yenny. In the hours that he should be working, Cato hangs out with his neighborhood friends and performs long, improvised, freestyle, rap and rhyme sessions… Cato dreams of a future in music…

But tragedy shakes him and in the midst of grief Cato records an inspired, almost enlightened rap, which soon becomes a hit.

Cato is reborn from the ashes, transforming the pain and guilt into something that gives new meaning to his life.

Petra Rivero y Hornos


Year: 2021       105 min 

Tiago Pzk, Alberto Ajaka, Magela Zanotta, Daniel Aráoz, Rocío Hernandez, Azul Fernández, Walter Donado, Diego Mesaglio.